Johnston, Samuel A. T. (2024). 'Fixing the Boundary of a Nation: How the European Union Influences Nationalism in Contemporary Europe', Comparative European Politics, 22, 538-555.
Johnston, Samuel A. T. and Harrington, Sinéad C. M. (2024). 'Campaigning in the Dark: Theorising Campaign Strategies from the 2022 Seanad By-Election', Irish Political Studies, 39:1, 1-23.
Johnston, Samuel A. T. and Sprong, Stefanie (2023). ‘Seeking an Adversary: The Radical Right and the Saliency of Pro-Immigration Positions in Green Party Speeches’, Party Politics, 29:2, 347-358.
Johnston, Samuel A. T. (2023). ‘Choose Your Target Wisely: Explaining Nationalism’s Variation in Contemporary Europe’, West European Politics, 46:1, 196-218.
Johnston, Samuel A. T. (2021). ‘Appendices’ in Michael Gallagher, Michael Marsh, and Theresa Reidy (eds.) How Ireland Voted 2020: The End of an Era. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 341-360.
Johnston, Samuel A. T. (2020). ‘The 2019 European Parliament Elections in Ireland’, Irish Political Studies, 35:1, 18-28.
Johnston, Samuel A. T. (2024). 'Fixing the Boundary of a Nation: How the European Union Influences Nationalism in Contemporary Europe', Comparative European Politics, 22, 538-555. Supplementary Materials available at:
Johnston, Samuel A. T. and Harrington, Sinéad C. M. (2024). 'Campaigning in the Dark: Theorising Campaign Strategies from the 2022 Seanad By-Election', Irish Political Studies, 39:1, 1-23.
Supplementary Materials available at:
Johnston, Samuel A. T. (2023). ‘Choose Your Target Wisely: Explaining Nationalism’s Variation in Contemporary Europe’, West European Politics, 46:1, 196-218.
Replication data available at:
Johnston, Samuel A. T. and Sprong, Stefanie (2023). ‘Seeking an Adversary: The Radical Right and the Saliency of Pro-Immigration Positions in Green Party Speeches’, Party Politics, 29:2, 347-358.
Replication data available at:
Johnston, Samuel A. T. (2021). ‘Appendices’ in Michael Gallagher, Michael Marsh, and Theresa Reidy (eds.) How Ireland Voted 2020: The End of an Era. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 341-360.
Johnston, Samuel A. T. (2020). ‘The 2019 European Parliament Elections in Ireland’, Irish Political Studies, 35:1, 18-28.